
The Prison and Probation Service of Finland is a nationwide government agency that belongs to the administrative branch of the Ministry of Justice. It is composed of four departments, which are responsible for the development and guidance, the client processes, the administrative and support services and the core operations of the organisation.

The Core Operations Department is in charge of eleven regional Prison and Probation Centres, which consist of prisons, probation offices and other units. The Prison and Probation Service employs approximately 2 750 officials.

Director General

The Prison and Probation Service is headed by Director General. The Director General confirms the strategic policies of the Prison and Probation Service and agrees on its performance targets with the Ministry of Justice. In addition, the Director General decides matters concerning the Prison and Probation Service that are not determined in the law or the rules of procedure to be decided by another public official. Director General of the Prison and Probation Service is Anna Arola-Järvi.


The Development and Guidance Department is responsible for, among other things, strategic planning, performance guidance, judicial guidance, research, statistics and the development of activities and services. The department consist of four units: Strategy Unit, Development and Quality Unit, Judicial Unit and Training Institute. The Training Institute for Prison and Probation Service provides vocational qualification and in-service training for prison and probation services. The director of the department is Pauli Nieminen.

The Client Processes Department is in charge of the client assessment processes, the development of sentence terms, the formal enforcement and the international enforcement. The department consist of three units: Client Assessment Unit, Client Processes Management Unit and Enforcement Unit. The director of the department is Marko Hokkanen.

The duties of the Administration and Support Services Department are linked to human resources administration, general administration, financial administration, procurements, ICT services, facilities, security technology, registry services and archives. The department consist of five units: Personnel Services Unit, Employer Services Unit, Finance Unit, Facilities and Security Technology Unit and Information Services Unit. The director of the department is Teijo Mustonen.

The Core Operations Department manages security issues and the arrangement of activities and services in the Prison and Probation Centres. The duties include planning, resources, guidance and supervision of the core operations. In addition, the department develops and guides the cooperation between the Prison and Probation Centres and the local stakeholders and networks. The department consist of two units: Operations Management Unit and Core Operations Unit. The director of the department is Riitta Kari. All eleven Prison and Probation Centres belong to the Core Operations Department.

In addition to the departments, the Internal Audit Unit, the Communications Unit, the International Affairs Unit and the Management Support Unit operate directly under the Director General.

Published 29.4.2024