Civilian work

You may be given permission to work or participate in traineeship outside the prison during the actual working hours. This is called civilian work.

Two people walk away from the camera.

Permission for civilian work may be granted if it advances the implementation of your sentence plan and it is deemed likely that you will comply with the conditions. In addition, you must commit yourself to abstinence from intoxicating substances and its control and comply with other written conditions related to movement and participation in the activity outside the prison. A representative of the employer is informed of the conditions of civilian work and the supervisory responsibilities of the Prison and Probation Service.

The Prison and Probation Service monitors that you comply with the conditions of permission, for example, with the help of technical devices attached to your wrist, ankle or waist. We may also carry out control visits at your workplace.

You are obliged to present information on your pay to the prison. The wages and other terms of employment for the civilian work must not materially deviate from the terms generally complied with in this kind of work. Civilian work must be regular financial activity.

Permission for civilian work is granted by the head of the prison, the assistant director in charge of activities, or a senior prison official. If you are serving a life sentence, the decision on permission for civilian work is made by the Core Operations Department of the Prison and Probation Service.

Published 4.1.2023