
The Prison and Probation Service has several ongoing projects, which support its strategic goals

The Project Office of the Prison and Probation Service is responsible for the continuous follow-up, development and common operation model of the projects. The Project Office provides an overall picture of the projects for the management, the whole staff and the cooperation partners.

Strate­gic pro­jects of the Prison and Pro­ba­tion Ser­vice
Pro­jects Pro­ject man­ager End date
Amend­ment to the leg­is­la­tion on sex of­fences Taina Taipale 31.12.2025
TRIP re­search (needs, sen­tence term, in­te­gra­tion and ser­vices of prison and pro­ba­tion clients) Sasu Tyni 1.4.2025
Well-be­ing at work Ti­ina Ihanus 28.2.2025
NURIN – prevention of street violence Annika Niemelä 31.12.2026
Photography system Ari Pakarinen 31.12.2025
In­tro­duc­tion of Virve 2.0 Tuo­mas Han­hikan­gas 31.12.2028
Organizational reform Rise 3.0 Niina Kallio-Nordlund 2026/2027

Published 18.2.2025