Jyväskylä Prison

Ramoninkatu 4, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland
PO Box 68, 40101 Jyväskylä, Finland
Tel. +358 29 56 87500
Fax +358 29 56 87559 enforcement, +358 29 56 87569 office
Email: [email protected]

Email to a prisoner: [email protected]
Instructions on emailing a prisoner . The message is not processed if it is not compliant with the instructions.

Head of Unit Petteri Autio, tel. +358 29 56 87032, +358 50 588 4775
Assistant Director Petri Laitinen, tel. +358 29 56 87532, +358 50 302 3184, [email protected]

Information for prisoners

Information for prisoners in Jyväskylä Prison 12.11.2021 [pdf, 165.3 kB]

Published 30.8.2022