Käyrä Prison

Pappilantie 36, 21370 Aura kk, Finland
Tel. +358 29 56 84900
Fax +358 29 56 84920
Email: kayra.vankila(at)om.fi

Email to a prisoner: vankiposti.kayra(at)om.fi
Instructions on emailing a prisoner . The message is not processed if it is not compliant with the instructions.

Head of Unit Aki Saarinen, tel. +358 29 56 88410, +358 50 435 7283
Assistant Director Maarit Salonen, tel. +358 29 56 84928, +358 50 374 1389

Email: firstname.lastname(a)om.fi

Prison rules

Prison rules for Käyrä Prison 2.12.2019, English [pdf, 397.0 kt]

Prison rules of Käyrä Open Prison Ward 2.12.2019, French [pdf, 174.0 kB]

Prison rules of Käyrä Open Prison Ward 2.12.2019, Russian [pdf, 179.5 kB]

Published 18.1.2023