Management, departments and units

Personnel's e-mail addresses: firstname.lastname(at)


Anna Arola-Järvi, Director General, tel. +358 29 56 88500

Pauli Nieminen, Director, tel. +358 29 56 83770

Strategy Unit

Venla Salmi, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88477

  • Planning team
  • Management by Knowledge Team

Development and Quality Unit

Pia Ylikomi, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 83744

Judical Unit

Heli Tamminen, Head of Unit, [email protected]

  • Regulations and Provisions Team
  • Oversight of Legality Team

Training Institute for Prison and Probation Service

Sanna Kohvakka, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88501

Training Institute for Prison and Probation Service

Marko Hokkanen, Director, tel. +358 29 56 88500

Client Assessment Unit

Annamari Räisänen, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88500

  • Assessment Teams 1-6

If you have questions about serving your sentence, please contact the branch office of the Client Assessment Unit or your probation office .

Client Processes Management Unit

Katja Reiman, Head of Unit
tel. +358 29 56 83759
tel. +358 50 414 3982

Enforcement Unit

Maria Kulmala, Head of Unit

  • International enforcement team
  • Enforcement Teams 1-3

Teijo Mustonen, Director, +358 29 56 88449

Personnel Services Unit

Tiina Ihanus, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88408

  • Human Resources Team
  • Employment Relationship and Recruitment Team

Employer Services Unit

Johanna Saukkonen, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88450

Finance Unit

Sanna Kekkonen, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88438

  • Procurement Team
  • Accounting and Invoicing Team
  • Purchases Team
  • Management Accounting Team

Facilities and Security Technology Unit

Mika Antikainen, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 87001

Information Services Unit

Juho Nurmi, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88495

  • Digital Services Team
  • Document Management Team
  • Assistant Services Team

Riitta Kari, Director, tel. +358 29 56 88401

Operations Management Unit

Pekka Keskinen, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88543, [email protected]

  • Operations Management Support Team
  • Shift Planning Teams 1-2

Core Operations Unit

Antti Kanerva, Head of Unit, + 358 29 56 84101

  • Safety, Security and Individual Coaching Team
  • Crime Prevention Team
  • Electronic Monitoring Team

Prison and Probation Centres

Päivi Kaikkonen, Head of Unit tel. +358 29 56 88570

‍Communications Unit: [email protected]

For media

Virva Raitio, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 56 88461

Gabriella Adlercreutz, Director of Internal Audit, +358 29 56 88462

Published 2.2.2024