Pre-sentence report
The Prison and Probation Service draws up a pre-sentence report on you if you can be sentenced to a community sanction in court. The prosecutor or the court can request the pre-sentence report before passing judgment. You may also request the probation office to draw up a pre-sentence report.

The prosecutor requests a pre-sentence report on you automatically if you were under 21 years old during the suspected offence and it is likely that you will get a more severe punishment than a fine for the suspected offence.
You are invited to come to the probation office to prepare the pre-sentence report. If you are under 18 years old, the probation office also contacts your custodians. In addition to the interview, the Prison and Probation Service gathers other necessary information on your background from other authorities.
The pre-sentence report includes a description of your life situation and comments on the need for adding supervision to conditional imprisonment or on your abilities to serve a community service sentence , juvenile punishment or monitoring sentence instead of unconditional imprisonment. An official of the Prison and Probation Service assesses, among other things, your risk to commit a new offence and your need for some rehabilitation or treatment, which could be included in the community sanction.
You are reimbursed reasonable travel expenses linked to the pre-sentence report if you need to use public transportation.
Published 30.11.2023