Conditional imprisonment with supervision
If you are sentenced to conditional imprisonment, you are not sent to prison unless you commit a new offence during your sentence. However, you may be subjected to supervision in order to reinforce the conditional imprisonment. Supervision may also be ordered if you are under 21 years old.

The court decides on the supervision based on the pre-sentence report regarding you. Supervision may be recommended if the report states that supervision could improve your current situation and everyday life and prevent you from committing new offences. If you commit an offence during conditional imprisonment, your prison sentence may be enforced.
Your supervision means regular appointments in a probation office . When your supervision begins, you are appointed a personal supervisor, who is an official working in the probation office. Your supervisor sends you an invitation to your first appointment. If you are under 18 years old, the probation office also contacts your custodians.
During your appointment, you and your supervisor draw up a sentence plan , which includes the content, goals and methods of your supervision. Your supervision may contain different tasks, programmes and discussions about different themes. The goal of the appointments is to support you to live without crime, improve your abilities to live as part of society and break a possible cycle of social exclusion by guiding you to substance abuse treatment and social welfare services.
Conditions of conditional imprisonment with supervision
You are obliged to come to the set supervision appointments and follow the conditions stated in the sentence plan.
You must give your supervisor your contact information and other information necessary from the viewpoint of the supervision, such as details of your work, studies and financial situation. You must tell your supervisor if the information changes.
You must be sober during supervision appointments and other events. Your sobriety can be tested by using, for instance, a breath test.
If you miss a supervision appointment and do not tell your supervisor an acceptable reason for your absence, your supervisor may ask the police to bring you in.
If you breach your obligations, you may be issued a caution or a warning.
If you repeatedly breach the conditions of supervision, your supervisor may notify the prosecutor of the matter. As a result of that, the court may extend your supervision term by six months or impose 4–14 days of imprisonment on you.
Published 11.1.2024