Sentence plan
The goals of your sentence term are determined in the sentence plan. Your goals may include, among other things, addressing possible substance abuse problems or improving your education or employment situation. The supervisor supports you throughout the whole sentence term.

When you start serving a community sanction, you are appointed a supervisor . You plan the content of your sentence term together with your supervisor by drawing up a sentence plan during your first supervision appointment.
The sentence plan includes the following information:- schedule of your sentence
- supervision appointments
- support measures
- service place and tasks in monitoring sentence and community service
- content of other possible activities
- other terms and conditions concerning the sentence term.
If you are about to be conditionally released from prison or your combination sentence is about to move to the supervision term phase, your supervisor contacts you well before you leave the prison. You plan the content of your supervision term together with your supervisor.
Published 19.10.2022