Serving a community sanction
Community sanctions are served in freedom, which means you do not have to go in prison. You are required to comply with the conditions and obligations of your community sanction. Your sanction may contain supervision, individual discussions and social rehabilitation. The goal is to help you to live without crime and continue with commonly accepted activities.

Community sanctions include
- community service ,
- monitoring sentence ,
- juvenile punishment and
- conditional imprisonment with supervision .
Additionally, the supervision of conditionally released prisoners , the supervision included in combination sentences and the probationary liberty under supervision are also considered community sanctions.
Community sanctions are supervised and carried out by probation offices . If you are imposed a community sanction, a probation office will contact you by telephone or a letter.
When you start serving a community sanction, you are appointed a probation official who is called the supervisor . You meet your supervisor regularly during your sentence term.
If you have any questions about serving your community sanction, please contact your probation office .
Published 20.3.2023